Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In December Cooper lost his first tooth!! He actually lost it as he was dancing with Malia and didn't even realize it had fallen out. My favorite part was when Malia was helping him write a note to the tooth fairy and she asked, " Mom, was the tooth fairy born when you were a kid?"

I tried really hard to just let the kids decorate the tree how they wanted.

It turned out great, I wanted to move a few things around, but I just let it be :)

Malia, Macy and I went ice skating. Malia is a pretty good little skater.

Can you guess who Santa is?

Josh dressed up as Santa for a family in the ward. It was so funny because even after Colby watched him get dressed he still wouldn't go near him for a long time.
Posted by PicasaMerry Christmas!

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