Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Noah

Noah and a few friends at a trampoline place called Sky High.

I really can't believe I have a 10 year old! I know we all hear it a million times, but it really does go too fast. I can remember so clearly the day my water broke, at my baby shower, 5 weeks early!Driving to the hospital with Josh we were so excited and couldn't comprehend what was to come, our lives would never be the same.
It is now so fitting to Noah that he came so early and broke my water at exactly the right moment to make the most dramatic "story". Noah is a little dramatic! He is full of energy, passion, and fun. Sitting around is not an option. He is very athletic, his passion in life is for sports. He has no back up plan...he will play in the NFL :) He loves anything outdoors... hiking, fishing, camping, boating, motorcycles, biking, catching animals, dirt, building, and anything else "fun" he can do outside. Noah has a tough outer shell, but I get to see under it and see his sensitivity and love. I am so grateful to be Noah's Mom.


HH Relief Society said...

when did everyone get so old! I can't believe he is 10 either. I was in Russia when he was born. I remember meeting him for the first time at LAX. Can't wait to see you guys soon.

Amy said...

oops, I was signed into my ward's account :)